Two new publications

By 2013-12-11 October 27th, 2015 Research

The ScienceVis group has two new publications. The first is a report by Andrea Gauthier and Michael Corrin on their study exploring video game design elements and usage patterns in undergraduate anatomy. The second is a pilot study by Jodie Jenkinson and Gaël McGill examining the effects of visual complexity in 3D molecular animation.

Both can be downloaded here:
Gauthier, A., & Corrin, M. (2013). Exploring How the Incorporation of Video Game Design Elements Into An Online Thoracic Vasculature Study Aid Affects Use Patterns of Undergraduate Anatomy Students. Journal of Biocommunication, 39(2), 50–56. (PDF)
Jenkinson, J., & McGill, G. (2013). Using 3D Animation in Biology Education : Examining the Effects of Visual Complexity in the Representation of Dynamic Molecular Events. Journal of Biocommunication, 39(2), 42–49. (PDF)

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