Naveen Devasagayam named finalist in SSHRC Storytellers competition

By 2015-04-01 September 29th, 2015 Achievement

Congratulations to BMC student Naveen Devasagayam who has been selected as one of 25 finalists in the SSHRC National Storytellers competition for his animated entry highlighting research in BMC’s Science Visualization Lab. This annual contest challenges postsecondary students to show Canadians how social sciences and humanities research is affecting our lives, our world and our future for the better. Naveen has been invited to present at the 2015 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa and will receive a cash award of $3000. ‪#‎SSHRCStorytellers‬

Visualizing Biological Data from Naveen Devasagayam on Vimeo.

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