Upcoming VizBi Molecular Visualization Workshop

By 2016-01-12 Misc, Molecular

A series of image slices showing various colorful molecules, including DNA, a ribosome, and an actin filament

Gaël McGill, Stuart Jantzen, & Jodie Jenkinson will be giving a workshop at the upcoming VizBi (Visualizing Biological Data) meeting in Heidelberg, Germany on March 8, 2016. The workshop is titled “Best practices for visual storytelling in science” and will be composed of three parts.

In the first section, an introduction to design principles for visual communication will be discussed, with specific examples tied to biological visualization. The second section will explore a number of visualization guidelines that relate to molecular behaviours and cellular environments. These guidelines are exemplified by the paired visualization examples that we have been developing. The final section will involve a group discussion and collaborative iteration on a storyboard treatment that we will provide. Combining the design principles and guidelines introduced in the first and second parts of the workshop, attendees will explore solutions to the storytelling challenges inherent in the accurate depiction of molecular scale phenomena.

Registration for the conference and workshops can be found through this link. We hope to see you there!


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