Gauthier, A., Jantzen, S., McGill, G., & Jenkinson, J. (2019). Molecular Concepts Adaptive Assessment (MCAA) Characterizes Undergraduate Misconceptions about Molecular Emergence. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 18(1)

Jenkinson, J. (2018). Molecular biology meets the learning sciences: Visualizations in education and outreach. Journal of Molecular

Gauthier, A. & Jenkinson, J. (2018). Designing productively negative experiences with serious game mechanics: Qualitative analysis of game-play and game design in a randomized trial. Computers & Education. 127(66-89).

Goodsell, D.S. & Jenkinson, J. (2018). Molecular Illustration in Research and Education: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of Molecular

Gauthier, A. & Jenkinson, J. (2017). Serious game leverages productive negativity to facilitate conceptual change in undergraduate molecular biology: a mixed-methods randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Game-based Learning. 7(2)

Jenkinson, J. (2017). The Role of Craft-based Knowledge in the Design of Dynamic Visualizations. In Lowe & Plötzner (Eds) Learning From Dynamic Visualization: Innovations in Research and Application. (pp 93-117)

 Qu, J., Fung, A., Kelly, P., Greig, P., McGilvary, I., Tait, G., Agur, A., and Jenkinson, J. (2017). Visualizing a Rare and Complex Case of Advanced Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma. Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine

Gauthier, A., & Jenkinson, J. (2016). Serious Game Facilitates Conceptual Change About Molecular Emergence Through Productive Negativity (RCT). In Connolly and Boyle (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 844–852). Paisley, Scotland: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. (PDF)

Gauthier, A., & Jenkinson, J. (2016). Woes of an RCT for Game-Based Learning Research. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications, Barcelona, Spain. (PDF)

Jenkinson, J., Jantzen, S., Gauthier, A., and McGill, G. (2016). The effect of attention cueing in molecular animation to communicate random motion. In  Désiron, Berney, Bétrancourt, & Tabbers (Eds.), Learning from Text and Graphics in a World of Diversity (pp. 96-98). Geneva: EARLI SIG. (PDF)

Shahani, V., & Jenkinson, J. (2016). The efficacy of interactive analogical models in the instruction of bond energy curves in undergraduate chemistry. Chemistry Education Research and Practice. 17, 417-428

Gauthier, A., & Jenkinson, J. (2015). Game Design for Transforming and Assessing Undergraduates’ Understanding of Molecular Emergence (Pilot). In R. Munkvold & L. Kolås (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 656–663). Steinkjer, Norway: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. (PDF)

Gauthier, A., Corrin, M., and Jenkinson, J. (2015). Exploring the influence of game design on learning and voluntary use in an online vascular anatomy study aid. Computers and Education. 87: 24-34.

Jantzen, S.G., Jenkinson, J., and McGill, G. (2015). Transparency in film: increasing credibility of scientific animation using citation. Nature Methods. 12(4): 293–297.

Jenkinson, J., & McGill, G. (2013). Using 3D Animation in Biology Education : Examining the Effects of Visual Complexity in the Representation of Dynamic Molecular Events. Journal of Biocommunication, 39(2), 42–49. (PDF)

Jenkinson, J. and McGill, G. (2012). Visualizing protein dynamics and interactions: Evolving a visual language for molecular animation. CBE – Life Sciences Education.11: 103-110.

Jantzen, S.G., Jenkinson, J., and McGill, G. Molecular Visualization Principles for Science Animators. Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference for Visualization in Science and Education. August 7-11, 2017.

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Gauthier, A. and Jenkinson, J. MolWorlds:Randomized controlled trial captures conceptual change via a serious game in undergraduate molecular biology students. Poster presented at SABER, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. July 14-17, 2016.

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Jantzen, S.G., Jenkinson, J., and McGill, G. Dynamic Molecular Principles for Science Animators. Poster presented at VizBi, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany. March 8-11, 2016.

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Jantzen, S.G., Jenkinson, J., and McGill, G. Transparency in film: Increasing credibility of scientific animation using citation. Poster presented at Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science & Education, Bates College, MN. August 2-7, 2015.

Poster also presented at VizBi, Broad Institute, Boston MA. March 25-27, 2015.
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Jenkinson, J., Jantzen, S.G., Gauthier, A., and McGill, G. Examining Students’ Understanding of Molecular Interactions Using An Adaptive Assessment Tree. Poster presented at Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science & Education. Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA. August 2-7, 2015.

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Gauthier, A., and Jenkinson, J. Game Design for Transforming and Assessing Undergraduates’ Understanding of Molecular Emergent Systems. Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science & Education. Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA. August 2-7, 2015.

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Jenkinson, J. Jantzen, S. and McGill, G. 2014. Examining the effects of animated representations on students’ understanding of dynamic molecular events. European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLi) SIG 2 meeting. Erasmus University. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. August 26, 2014.

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Gauthier, A., Corrin, M., and Jenkinson, J. 2014. Vascular invaders: Do game elements enhance learning? European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLi) SIG 2 meeting. Erasmus University. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. August 26, 2014.

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Lowe, R., Jenkinson, J. and McGill, G. Improving mental models from visualizations: A relation set approach to design for dynamic content. Gordon Research Conference in Visualization in Science and Education, Bryant University, Smithfield, RI, USA. July 21, 2013.

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Jenkinson, J., Hewitt, J., McGill, G., and Woodruff, E. Visualizing the Complexity of the Molecular World: Examining the Role of Animated Representations in the Development of Undergraduate Students’ Understanding of Dynamic Cellular Events. Humboldt Colloquium: Excellence in Research, Toronto, ON, Canada. November 3, 2012

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