AntResearch Formica polyctena One of the ongoing projects and collaborations the ScienceVis Lab has been involved in relates to…Stuart2016-08-30
MolecularProcess Two mMaya tutorials Through the molecular visualization work that we have been doing, a number of processes have…Stuart2016-08-23
Uncategorized Molecular Visualization Presentation – AMI 2016 At the AMI annual conference in Atlanta Georgia, Stuart presented on Molecular Visualization and how…Stuart2016-07-27
EventMolecular Molecular Visual Storytelling Workshop – AMI 2016 Jodie, Gaël, and Stuart will be presenting a workshop at the AMI meeting in Atlanta,…Stuart2016-07-11
Molecular Show Protein Flexibility – New Visualization Principle A new molecular visualization principle has been added to our project page. The "Show Protein…Stuart2016-04-20
Uncategorized VizBi 2016 Workshop VizBi 2016 took place in the beautiful German city of Heidelberg. The "Best practices for visual storytelling…Stuart2016-03-14
MolecularProcess Generating geometry for ball and stick molecules For an upcoming Molecular Visualization Principle, I decided to include a small molecule, which is something…Stuart2016-01-26
MiscMolecular Upcoming VizBi Molecular Visualization Workshop Gaël McGill, Stuart Jantzen, & Jodie Jenkinson will be giving a workshop at the upcoming VizBi…Stuart2016-01-12
MolecularProcess Simulating molecular water As part of one of the Molecular Visualization Principles, I am attempting to design a simulation of…Stuart2015-12-15
Molecular New Molecular Visualization Principles We have added two new pairs of animations for our molecular visualization principles series. We discuss…Stuart2015-11-20
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